Frustrated about the availability of chicks

I noticed that TSC is now offering chicks for mail order on their website. The price is about par for most mail order hatcheries.They are only offering assortments and not specific breeds. I’ve never ordered from them so can’t speak to quality of the chicks.
They've done the 10 chick mail bundles for a few years now
I watched someone buy the last six chickens in TSC today where i live in AZ. She LITERALLY SAID these will do fine on the BALCONY. WOMAN LIVES IN AN APARTMENT!!!!!!
This is horrible and breaks my heart 😢 all these poor babies. Wth is wrong with people. With Google and so much information at your finger tips and still people do dumb crap like this. 6 chicken on a balcony 😔🙁
I watched someone buy the last six chickens in TSC today where i live in AZ. She LITERALLY SAID these will do fine on the BALCONY. WOMAN LIVES IN AN APARTMENT!!!!!!
Chickens are horrible apartment pets. I am almost certain that balcony is way too small for all those birds. And what does she plan on doing if she gets a surprise rooster? Honestly even hens can be quite loud......
Blame people all you want, but Trump's Agriculture Secretary told the American people to raise their own chickens; that everyone should become a farmer. She did not state that there was any knowledge or supplies required.

Edit to add: She was not advocating for people to have the Right to own their own chickens. She was telling people that they could solve their egg price inflation problems by purchasing their own chickens. The very sort of thing that is fueling this 'chick purchasing bubble.'
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My husband and I were waiting on our tax returns to come in so we could get the supplies to turn one of our sheds into a coop and get chicks. We wanted Orpingtons specifically because of their dual purpose and how they are good with kids. Imagine our horror when we couldnt get pullets A N Y W H E R E. Its had us down in the dumps for weeks. We didnt know this would happen and we sure couldnt buy the chicks months ahead of time because of said tax returns that we were anxiously waiting on
It sucks and we are mad

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