Frustrated about the availability of chicks

Im glad i hatch my own and not selling any for a faze like it was in 2022 then once egg prices drop the faze is over yet again and people be dumping them. Seeing so many people wanting free eggs to hatch to, claiming classroom hatching....just to get free eggs. And people be claiming dead chicks to get
This is horrible and breaks my heart 😢 all these poor babies. Wth is wrong with people. With Google and so much information at your finger tips and still people do dumb crap

First, welcome to BYC to both of you! :D

@guitarplaya39 Glad to hear you were able to get some chicks and they're doing well! It is certainly a tough time to be starting a new flock. Also I love your avatar!

@RandyMagnum I would also check out some of the major hatcheries. Some good ones are Meyer, cackle, ideal poultry, meltzer (they are also an evidently really good place to get waterfowl if you ever want to get into that) and mt healthy. There are a few other good ones too, those are just the main ones. I wish you luck in finding the breeds you want!
@ForestRanger, Thank you! It has been interesting. I was originally wanting Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks or Australorps. But was able to find 6 Black sex links. Which I'm very happy with so far.
@ForestRanger, Thank you! It has been interesting. I was originally wanting Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks or Australorps. But was able to find 6 Black sex links. Which I'm very happy with so far.
Good to hear you found some chicks! I hope all goes well and feel free to ask all the questions you need! People here are very happy to help :D
That's a risk, yes. Everyone needs to decide how much they are willing to take. Personally, I'd prefer that risk, to the one of getting an unwanted cockeral. Thus, I have always gone with started pullets, and also adult hens. Frankly, while chicks are adorable, like puppies and kittens they are also messy and worrisome and a lot of work. I'm happy to settle for all the cute pics of other peoples babies.:)
Coming from someone with 28 chicks that are now 9 weeks old tomorrow I absolutely feel this. It's a ton of work and totally exhausting. I had more cockerels than pullets and now trying to home them and keep them seperated as they are starting to fight. What a pain.
Im glad i hatch my own and not selling any for a faze like it was in 2022 then once egg prices drop the faze is over yet again and people be dumping them. Seeing so many people wanting free eggs to hatch to, claiming classroom hatching....just to get free eggs. And people be claiming dead chicks to get
The first time I hatched chicks at school I paid for the eggs. (We have only hens). I also had a home for them after. I would love to hatch my own chicks every year but darn rooster laws. I for one think it is nervy to ask for eggs to be donated. No school requires teachers to hatch. If you want to, figure it out. Sad that people can’t be trusted because they want free.
Sometimes I hatch, or buy chicks to sell after the chick season is over. People may not buy chicks during chick season, because they are not ready, but then they think the feed store will always have chicks and are surprised when they go in June, there are none left till next year.
Coming from someone with 28 chicks that are now 9 weeks old tomorrow I absolutely feel this. It's a ton of work and totally exhausting. I had more cockerels than pullets and now trying to home them and keep them seperated as they are starting to fight. What a pain.
Keep them together but away from the hens.
Keep them together but away from the hens.
Tried that. Seems one of them had a terrible time with rooberty. Instead I mixed them with my adult flock and my hens have sorted them out in a minute. My rooster didn't even have to step in. More peaceful now. 4 of them will be shipping out pretty soon to their new home up north.
I wonder if we could proactively push articles for new chicken keepers? Would some new-dated content help get it out there at the top of search fields?
I had the thought of putting together a flyer to post at the chick suppliers directing newbie chicken owners here. 👀 What are Tractor Supply’s policies regarding that sort of thing? Would they be okay with something like that?
I waited about a week too long to make my order and had to struggle to find any hatcheries with chicks before July or August. We had always planned on adding chickens to our land, but accelerated it a bit to be a little more sustainable with everything going on with the economy. Yeah. 0/10 do not recommend. It was like trying to order Taylor Swift tickets online. As fast as I put something in my cart, the hatchery would be out. Finally got my hands on some through Mt Healthy that will be here next month.

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