Attila was the broody that hatched Phoenix and Aetna, but Red was helping with the babies from the time they left the nest and she hung out with Attila/slept with her at night. Attila is doing her thing and leaving the babies with Red more and more as time passes. Attila seems to do her job after hatch for only a couple of weeks and then she’s sick of kids :gig I’m happy that Red has stepped in to fill the void though, she is such a sweet girl. Tomorrow Elvis and Toast go to my sons and we’ll have three female ducks. I’m putting a small pool under the shade structure in the small yard for them later today and getting some stuff out of the coop in preparation for the change. The ducks just sleep wherever at my sons so I’m not going to force them into a coop, but I am going to move Attila, Red and the babies into the coop at night once Elvis and Toast are gone. I think they’ll be good with that since Elvis is the reason they won’t roost in there. Hopefully this little nugget I think is a boy will be a gentleman since he’s growing up within the flock 🤞
Attila was the broody that hatched Phoenix and Aetna, but Red was helping with the babies from the time they left the nest and she hung out with Attila/slept with her at night. Attila is doing her thing and leaving the babies with Red more and more as time passes. Attila seems to do her job after hatch for only a couple of weeks and then she’s sick of kids :gig I’m happy that Red has stepped in to fill the void though, she is such a sweet girl. Tomorrow Elvis and Toast go to my sons and we’ll have three female ducks. I’m putting a small pool under the shade structure in the small yard for them later today and getting some stuff out of the coop in preparation for the change. The ducks just sleep wherever at my sons so I’m not going to force them into a coop, but I am going to move Attila, Red and the babies into the coop at night once Elvis and Toast are gone. I think they’ll be good with that since Elvis is the reason they won’t roost in there. Hopefully this little nugget I think is a boy will be a gentleman since he’s growing up within the flock 🤞

Looking forward to reading some duck stories IM, hope it all goes well!
Looking forward to reading some duck stories IM, hope it all goes well!
Tales :old

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