Full Moon Egg Setting Who wants to join?

Can I join? I'm supposed to be getting Jersey Giants tomorrow. If they do come tomorrow, I'll have to let them sit for a day. I'm planning on setting them Friday afternoon. Hopefully the PO will co-operate.

Yes Margo the more the merry, according to the farmers almanac the best days are the 10th, 11th and 12th. So you are good. This is the first time my eggs have arrived or been ready exactly on the full moon I have 8 Porcelain D'Uccles of my own and 21 Silkie eggs that arrived today, my are settling in. You will love the Jerseys, I had so a while back and the roo would protect me from the other roosters when I yelp like a chicken you know what they sound like when you catch them HELLPPPPP HELLPPPP
The Jersey was the first broody I ever had and did a great job. I excited others are joining. I 'm going to Ohio Nationals and will be setting Marans eggs on Saturday when I return. Which is the last of the best days in November. I'm keeping my
that you get your eggs tomorrow.
Yeah buckeyes and rir great, this should be a great hatch. I hope I don't screw things up this time.
Well I could not talk my 9 y/o daughter into waiting till tomorrow so we started tonight. We have 8 Blue Am eggs and 22 RIR eggs split between 2 incubators. One borrowed and the other we made for a science fair project for her last week. I don't want to waste all the eggs if the homemade bator fails
Yeah I'm so excited, more peeps then I thought are going to set. The best part is I haven't killed my own thread yet. We are having a lot of wind tonight. I live in a wind tunnel it seems like, once it starts you know winter is approaching. Its a nasty howling wind. Lucky for me, I will have the humming of an incubator. And the 2 call ducks I am purchasing at Ohio Nationals on Saturday. Its going to be a good week. Duckies ahhhhhh finally
No shipped eggs yet and we're getting close to blackout dates. Sooo I've been gathering some from my girls. Low hopes for fertility, but maybe the full moon will help with that!

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