Full Moon Egg Setting Who wants to join?

im so in
I have to set mine a little early tho. I work 11 to 8 so theres no way ot hit that 3:18 mark.
I've collected 25 eggs from my girls. Mostly Buff Orp/EE crosses but there should be a few straight BOs and a few straight EEs. Just waiting for 3:18 to put them in! So excited.
I would LOVE to join in, but mine stopped laying.

And I've been desperately seeking some SQ silkie eggs and some maran eggs, but have had no luck.

But it's not the 12th yet, so there's still time . . . there may be someone out there who has eggs for sale . . .
Me either I work until 3:30 pm so I'm pitting them in when I get home. Bator is warming up and ready to go. Should be able to see it big and red by sunset. Can't wait. I not holding my breathe about my silkies all air cells are blown but I'm setting anyways

The hatch-along has begun. Can you see Jupiter to the right, has to be a good sign. It sure gets dark early. Well came home from work and got everyone in the bator 18 Silkie eggs from CJ Exotic, the PO was not kind to them. 10 of my own Porcelain D'Uccle and I'm pretty sure its going to be Mr Boots the Mille Fluer. Just test hatch to see if she is fertile. What you got in your incubator and what time did you set? I got mine set around 4:30Pm.
heres my bator
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I set 48 eggs this afternoon at around 3:15 or so. Buckeyes, Barred Rocks, silkies, Light Sussex, maybe a few others . Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?

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