Full Moon Egg Setting Who wants to join?

No just let them go. You can add water through the vent holes. I have no pips yet but its only day 19. I thought I'd be busy with this coop leaking thing. It leaks when it is pouring rain when it stops we can't find the leak
So now I am running to look at bator, then typing, that's only til the old man gets back. And I say, "whatttttt, I wasn't on BYC"
Well, he/she's out!

I did help, between the low humidity for several hours and the fact that the egg was a (large) pullet sized egg I figured it needed help. Glad I did too, although not shrink wrapped the chick was definatly glued in there. After hours of soaking and waiting for veins in the membrane to absorb- one spiked up chick! Spikey, not fluffy.

Kicked though the cord through (Ubilical?) So I did have to tie it off with floss. No extra yolk though, should I be worried?

Looking for the camera...

ETA: How much trouble do they have standing the first time? Already trying to get up- not very sucessful! I know with horses it's a few hours, same kinda thing for chickens?
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Crappy cell phone pic- the real camera is MIA.

He/she's blue!

Mom is an andalusian and dad is a dark cornish. This will be one strange looking chicken!
What a cute baby. I had one D'Uccle pipped when I left for work. They should start popping like popcorn. I so excited. I hope my humidity stays good while I'm at work, been having trouble with it staying around 65. Other then that I should be coming home to babies.

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