Funny photo contest

Teenage Stan

There's one in every flock.

Learning to read

Touch this toy and die!

Cochin bantam

3 months

Hmmmmm...... What is that?...... A worm?!!!........No.......Let me check the chicken wing book....
The Chicken Whisperer wins with Learning to read

i saw this and laughed so hard!

"Poor little Schnitzel, He got trampled like the other chicks!"

This is my Little Serama *Kufta Asking Me, "Mama, is this where babies come from?"

Kufta, visits leaninig tower of piza. "Does it look like i am holding it up mama?"

what they look like today: last pic i took of "Schnitzel" before i gave him a new home. now he is 16 weeks old, and a huge EE roo!

This is "kufta"! my sweet Serama hen. i took this pic a few days ago, shes now 15 weeks old... "leaning tower aint so big no more!"

"There's 5 other nests but we are sharing :)"

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