Funny things that happen.

no no polish just bare feet.
so sorry to hear that. We not only have chickens but a dog and 2 cats the cats could care less about the chicken the one male that is in and out will follow me around back to let the girls out then sits there patiently waiting for me to finish so he can come in for food and attention. over the years we have lost dogs and cats usually at an old age it is hard but time heals the pain. I actually met my husband over a dog . We had a Sheltie and mom wanted to get a female . we bought the dog from his parents. I was in 5th grade at the time. We never would have met any other way . different schools. different cities different circles.

It is hard to lose pets. We've lost several over the past few years because mostly all were seniors. We used to call ourselves Geriatric Ranch because of it, but no more since most have passed now. It's really tough, though, even when you know they've lived long and good lives and none of us or them can live forever.

Great story about how you met your husband. It's funny the way we meet people. You just never know who or what is right around the next corner. When you think about that one twist of fate that led you to your soulmate, and you think, What if it hadn't happened? We would never have met! But I always tell my husband, No way! We would have found each other anyway, one way or another!

Welcome to BYC!
we married Aug 31 1974 . He really is my soul mate. The bad part about it is (not this part) My Mom remarried when i was in the 5th grade. due to the whole family was in a bad car wreck in Nov of 62 Lost My dad and my 1 year old brother.My mom and older brother were also in the wreck with my moms mom They did not believe i would make it told my mom to plan my funeral as well. thats the bad part. In the following year before i met my husband and went to the 6th. grade. My mom would have not re-married and we would not have gotten the dog that started it all. I know one thing does not necessarily mean i would not have married him later. But dad had also gone to Denver to try to get another job there doing interior decorating. so we would have been in different states as well. But everything happens for a reason . I have enjoyed every minute of our 42 years this August 31st If there would be anything i would change it would have been to wait till i had finished collage. but then a year later almost husband lost his dad to a brain anyurisem and he moved to SC. with his mom to take care of his grandparents.We would have been even further apart so in a sense it had to happen the way it did the window would not have been long enough. for us to meet later. We did move to S.C. as stated above for the reason stated above. My mom and brother live still in Oklahoma and i live in S.C. with my husband and our 2 children and granddaughter who is 3.
Wow, that story is both terrible and wonderful. The whole car accident thing -- any family's nightmare. But wonderful about you and your husband. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! Ours is in August too, August 22.

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