fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Lookie what I saw in the store today - barred rock or dominique? I was reminded of your pretty ladies @fuzzi

Warm enough today (mid 40's) to finish off the front of the house, garage, and parking pad with the power washer. So one more chore for the year.
Good job on getting those chores done! Sounds cold for power washing, hope you were well suited up! I think we are getting a mid-fifties day tomorrow downstate, so I hope to follow your example and get some lingering outdoor chores done, too.
Lookie what I saw in the store today - barred rock or dominique? I was reminded of your pretty ladies @fuzzi
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Good job on getting those chores done! Sounds cold for power washing, hope you were well suited up! I think we are getting a mid-fifties day tomorrow downstate, so I hope to follow your example and get some lingering outdoor chores done, too.

Here's another one that was also made by the student I mentioned earlier:

Dominique? Barred Rock? Cuckoo Marans?
What does your winter setup look like? My nipple waterer bucket sprung a leak a few weeks ago. When I inspected it, I found a hairline crack in the plastic in one of the drilled holes, probably from temp fluctuations combined with an imperfectly drilled hope in the first place. I do like the rubber bucket and insulated tire idea!

I gave in...went to the farmers' market this morning, bought two dozen eggs from supposedly free range/no antibiotics chickens. Seller was a Good Ol' Boy, and had great delight in telling me about his chickens, peacocks, and guineas. Those should get me through Thanksgiving.

I need six eggs for the pumpkin pies, alone. :eek:
In warm(ish) weather I use a little giant 3 gallon water station for one flock, it's a real pill to clean and heavy to carry, but I like the capacity. I'll be switching to a rubber bowl soon for this flock.

Rubber bowls like @fuzzi uses, I use for another smaller flock year round and in the winter. I haven't tried placing them in tires which is a great idea. I just go change out water if it's frozen. The rubber bowls are tough, so even if frozen solid you can just turn them over, stomp on them and the ice will come out.

@fuzzi you may want to read up on water glassing some eggs. I've found the method to work well. Another thing I've tried and done is freeze eggs for later use. You do want to break them and whisk them up just a bit, then you can portion the eggs into ziplock bags, freezer jars, etc. Both methods work well for baking and scrambled eggs.

I do not like socks or shoes. I went barefooted at home all my life until I started getting older.

Now I can not tolerate it as well. Still do not like street shoes. 🤣 At home you will find me inside with my house slippers or outside in my chicken boots (Sloggers).
The chicken boots wear so good! They have a removable, washable inner sole. Remove it and you can wash the boots inside and out. All types of colors and designs, even chickens.
One day , last minute had to run to Lowes. Walking in the store I looked down and there I was in my chicken boots.
So comfy I forgot I had them on.:gig
I used to have some sloggers with chickens on them! They were comfy.

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