fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Had to pick up a prescription on the way home but was able to give the flock a little something extra before they went to roost. I still had some white turkey meat from Thanksgiving that smelled okay, so I chopped it into little pieces and fed it to the flock. Then I picked several lower leaves from the collards, and was surprised at the voracious way they stripped the greens off the stalks.

And was rewarded with two little eggs.

⬆️ The two on the bottom are today's. ⬆️

So excited, Prissy and Esther are laying! Joanna is either close to POL or just started, her comb wasn't as red as the other two pullets until recently. But BOY is she a talker, a real chatterbox...
She must be my Little Red Hen's daughter, she is a little chatterbox too
Joanna reminds me of Rahab, the best of the broodies this year. But Rahab wasn't only not her physical mother, she wasn't her broody mother either, Tamar was!

Joanna was one of these chicks!

I am captivated with chicken culture, their societal structure, interactions between birds. This morning I checked on the flock, found a cold egg in a nesting box. While I was standing, just observing, I witnessed two of the pullets going in to lay, and the two cockerels in attendance.

Silas and Zacchaeus guide and observe two of the pullets getting ready to lay their eggs. The vocalizations are fascinating to me.


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