fuzzi's Chicken Journal

The Bobcat did a good job, but the ground is compacted. I have some work ahead of me.

Cold, wet, not freezing but damp "raw" weather. Flock was active when I got home. I gave them a little dry cat food, then after gathering four (4!!!) eggs I took the plastic saucer and my trowel to go dig up weeds for dessert. When I opened the coop door holding the saucer at chest level a chicken flew straight for me, landing on the saucer (full of greens) and started chattering! It was Esther, the yellow-shanked pullet. She's been showing some spunk lately.

When I brought a flake of straw into the coop the greens were forgotten...they certainly do love straw.
The hoop coop foundation is done, as am I. 😩

Bungee cords help to control the panels:
View attachment 4045320

First two are the hardest:
View attachment 4045322

Instead of fence staples I used plumbing strap to attach the cattle panels:
View attachment 4045324
View attachment 4045325

Ta da!
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View attachment 4045327
As long as the 16' boards are supporting the coop it's okay that the ends are not touching the ground in places...which is good because my yard is very uneven!

Hot shower here I come...
I'm hoping to get started up again tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be dry, and temperature about 50°F. That's doable.

But I am still not sure about the back end, was thinking of making it solid, from wood or metal this time, avoid another tarp covering.

I have a tin roof from the old shed overhang, am planning on using it as the roost end roof.

I could wirebrush it on a dry day, but I need some goggles. I have been warned that safety glasses are probably not enough protection.

Or I suppose I could work on the door frame, or get some help slinging the HWC over the top.

So many tasks, need to prioritize...

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