Gaggle of Geese Lovers

Cold again today, and everyone except the geese have opted to stay in their coops.

For my money, there are few cuter things than goose tracks in snow. They tell a story of the daily habits of geese, too; I enjoy following them at the end of the day to see where they went. They clearly stopped here to yell at the dog through the fence, there someone got fixated on something in the snow before realizing they'd been left behind and booking a sstraight line to the others who'd left a meandering, winding trail back up the hill, etc. I also enjoy watching them bathe in the snow. A few of the girls often decide there's no difference between standing in snow and standing in water, so they do their whole bathing routine wherever they stop, throwing snow over their backs and doing the whole bird in water shtick that all feathered beings seem to share. And I am fully jealous of their ability to pull both their legs up into their feathers and rest solely on their bellies. Turtles may carry a house on their back, but I prefer the goose's way of carrying a mattress on their front.

All that said, I will be so happy when all this melts and I don't have to trudge through it anymore! Everyone who says they love snow must not have to go out in it very often.
Turns out what I thought was a goose egg was just an extremely large Crested duck egg (eww ducks, having these on the farm was not my choice.)
It's just it was the first one so I didn't have any others to compare with (it's in the back there)


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I'd like to know how the hens were after passing that. I had a muscovy hen who regularly laid double yolkers, and unsurprisingly she wound up dying of a prolapse. As neat as it is to crack open an egg to find multiple yolks, it's not something I'd want propagated in my flocks.

I've never seen, or even heard of, a double yolker goose egg. I wonder how large that would be?
I'd like to know how the hens were after passing that. I had a muscovy hen who regularly laid double yolkers, and unsurprisingly she wound up dying of a prolapse. As neat as it is to crack open an egg to find multiple yolks, it's not something I'd want propagated in my flocks.

I've never seen, or even heard of, a double yolker goose egg. I wonder how large that would be?
Yeah, it does not sound healthy.

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