Gamefowl Rooster Comb Type

Comb: there is a lot we don't know about comb genetics, but here's what I do know.

There are 5 known locusts, containing 11 alleles, that we know of, and they control comb type:
1. Pea Comb Locus, P, p+
2. Rose Comb Locus, R r+
3. Duplex Comb Locus, Dv, Dc, d+
4. Breda Comb Locus, bd, Bd+
5. Smooth/Rugged Locus, hel, He+

1. P(Pea-comb) - autosomal, incomplete dominant.
2. p+(wild-type, pea-comb)- autosomal, recessive.

3. R(Rose-comb)- autosomal, dominant.
4. r+(wild-type, rose-comb)- autosomal, recessive.

5. Dv(V-shape, Duplex comb)- autosomal, incomplete dominant.
6. Dc(Buttercup, Duplex comb)- autosomal, incomplete dominant.
7. d+ (wild-type, Duplex comb)- autosomal, recessive.

8. bd(Breda Combless)-autosomal, recessive.
9. Bd+(wild-type/Breda Combed)- autosomal, dominant.

10. hel(SMOOTH COMB)- autosomal, recessive.
11. He+(wild-type/RUGGED COMB)- Autosomal, dominant.

There are 10 comb types:

1. R/R or R/r+, P/P or P/p+(Walnut-comb)

2. R/R or R/r+, p+/p+(Rose-comb)

3. r+/r+, P/P or P/p+(Pea-comb)

4. r+/r+, p+/p+(single-comb)

5. r+/r+, p+/p+, Dv/Dv(V-comb)

6. r+/r+, p+/p+, Dc/Dc(buttercup-comb)

7. R/R or R/r+, p+/p+, hel/hel(Strawberry-Comb)?

8. R/R or R/r+, P/P or P/p+, hel/hel(Cushion-Comb)?

9. r+/r+, p+/p+(plus some mutation that causes the Crown to split at the very back)(Carnation-Comb)

10. Any combination of Pea Comb genes , any combination of Rose Comb genes , any combination of Duplex Comb genes , bd/bd(Breda-Comb/combless)

Comb genetics

Allelism at the duplex comb locus
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Any idea what comb Type my game rooster has? Thanks a lot! These are the best pictures I could get so far.
So, his crown doesn't match any recognized crown type. Which is very interesting, but considering we don't even know what exact genes are involved in recognized crown types it would be hard to determine what genes are involved in an abnormal comb. I think it's worth mentioning that gene mutations pop up all the time too, so your rooster could be the only chicken with a crown like his, because it's brought on by a new gene mutation. But, it's also possible that it's just a deformed crown. If it's controlled by genes it should be able to be passed on to his offspring, if it was caused by environmental factors, like humidity during gestation or something like that, then it's unlikely that his offspring would have a similar looking crown.
If you wanted you could try to breed a new crown type.
Sorry for late reply. My husband just died. In answer, the father is a pure breed Millefleur Barbu d'Uccles bantam, but Mum is a mix. Her mum is a white pekin, and her father a Polish cockerel who did not have a pea comb, but I bought him full-grown so don't know his ancestry. I am attaching photos of the cockerel 'Pluto'. As you can see he has barely any comb.


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  • Pluto and me 1.JPG
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I had a gamefowl rooster that had either a pea comb or modified pea comb. He passed it on to three of his daughters, and one of his daughters passed it on to her daughter, and she passed it on to several of her chicks I've hatched this year. I can tell they are from her because, as of now, she is the only feather footed hen in my flock (her dad was a bantam cochin) and several of them have feathered feet.
Sorry for late reply. My husband just died. In answer, the father is a pure breed Millefleur Barbu d'Uccles bantam, but Mum is a mix. Her mum is a white pekin, and her father a Polish cockerel who did not have a pea comb, but I bought him full-grown so don't know his ancestry. I am attaching photos of the cockerel 'Pluto'. As you can see he has barely any comb.
I'm so sorry for your loss. There is no wrong way to grieve and heal, and no time restrictions.

Those breeds make sense, his crown looks the most like a deformed or mutated single comb to me.

millie d'uccle = single comb r+/r+, p+/p+(single-comb)

Pekin = single comb r+/r+, p+/p+(single-comb)

Polish should be = r+/r+, p+/p+, Dv/Dv(V-comb). Your Polish could have gotten frost bite or had his crown pecked off by another chicken. He could also be a mix, or have a deformed crown, or even a gene mutation.

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