Gape worm - Safeguard not working - suggestions?

You could try the smaller dose.
This book says this:

This study says this:
Syngamus trachea (Gapeworm)

Efficacy of fenbendazole against helminth parasites of poultry in Uganda.

Ssenyonga GS.

Fenbendazole 4% (Panacur, Hoechst) administered in feed was used to treat chickens infected with Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum and Railletina spp. It was also used to treat Syngamus trachea in broiler birds. There was a marked drop in helminth egg counts in the faeces on the second day of treatment and the faeces became negative by the seventh day after the last treatment. Post-mortem examination 15 to 21 days later showed that the drug was 100% effective against Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum at 10 mg/kg. However, for complete removal of Railletina spp. 15 mg/kg was required. Similarly 20 mg/kg fenbendazole was effective against Syngamus trachea. It was concluded that fenbendazole is suitable for the treatment of the important intestinal and tracheal worms of poultry, a dose of 15 to 20 mg/kg for 3 consecutive days being recommended for use under field conditions.
I'm going to call the vet for further clarification in the morning but I was just curious tonight if she was overdosed. It certainly would explain so much. Does it sound like it to you?
I'm going to call the vet for further clarification in the morning but I was just curious tonight if she was overdosed. It certainly would explain so much. Does it sound like it to you?
Let us know what the vet says.

I use the large 5 day dose all of the time, but I guess there have been a few people that have reported experiences similar to what you described.

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