
Does her nose smell at all? Cause I have this problem, ever since I moved into this new house. We got a huge bankback and have the chickens in there. Ever since spring my chickens have been dying 1 by 1. They aLL start with the smelly nose, then extreme weight loss, to gasping for air to death. I have given tylan 200 to some and they do survive it, but some do not take and just die... I have a vet working with us on this because I'm sick and tired of losing my babies! Even he doesn't know what it is.

I hope to God you don't have this.
A foul smell around the nose or head could be coryza, a chronic respiratory disease. You also had Mareks in your flock too, shelbycoral, at some point? Testing or a necropsy should be done when dealing with respiratory diseases or Mareks.
Does her nose smell at all? Cause I have this problem, ever since I moved into this new house. We got a huge bankback and have the chickens in there. Ever since spring my chickens have been dying 1 by 1. They aLL start with the smelly nose, then extreme weight loss, to gasping for air to death. I have given tylan 200 to some and they do survive it, but some do not take and just die... I have a vet working with us on this because I'm sick and tired of losing my babies! Even he doesn't know what it is.

I hope to God you don't have this.
Has he done a gram stain or cultures?

Prissy's nose doesn't smell. Only when she burps! Then it smells yeasty. Her stomach is making growling and gurgling sounds. She still has her appetite. She had her second dose of Safe-Guard today. Due to runny poops she also got a bath to clean up. She smells so much better. She has a vet appointment tomorrow at 11. Will post what the doc says. Sure wish I could easily post videos so everyone could see her burps, squeaks and mouth breathing.
Prissy's nose doesn't smell. Only when she burps! Then it smells yeasty. Her stomach is making growling and gurgling sounds. She still has her appetite. She had her second dose of Safe-Guard today. Due to runny poops she also got a bath to clean up. She smells so much better. She has a vet appointment tomorrow at 11. Will post what the doc says. Sure wish I could easily post videos so everyone could see her burps, squeaks and mouth breathing.
She may have sour crop or a fungal infection in the digestive tract. Vent gleet can also be connected if it is fungal.
Sad news today. Ended up having Prissy euthanized.
After having her x-rayed we found no blockages and her small intestines were all inflamed. The doctor thought there was a possible kink in her small intestine but wouldn't know for sure if that was the problem unless she operated on her. It would explain her small poops and constant stomach grumbles and gurgles. When the doc felt around her abdomen she started to kick and object. With her low weight (down to 2 pounds) and weakened state (she wouldn't even open her eyes today) the doctor gave her a very slim chance of survival. I did order a necropsy on her and will post any findings.

The doc said Prissy was probably born this way. Might explain the breeders reason for getting rid of her since she was way smaller than the other Maran I bought at the same time. When I asked if Prissy was younger she paused and said yes. This same breeder also sold me two sick Barnevelder chicks that died within days. She pulled her ad after I told her they died. I hope I never see her again. Beware buying chickens on Craig's List.

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