Gender identification Muscovy


12 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Would appreciate your help!

New duck here, hatched the end of June. The lady I bought it from was pretty sure it was a hen. That’s what I was after, but I am no expert, so I went by her judgment. I will attach some photos and links on YouTube of videos I took.

New duck is around the same size as my 3 year old hen. Maybe shaped just a little differently, seems a little taller. The feet aren’t “huge”. It doesn’t make sounds yet that I’ve heard, so I can’t go by that. When does their adult voice come in?

There’s been suspicion it might be a drake from another person. I need verification as soon as possible. I do not wish to keep a drake. This one is replacing my other hen we had to have pts last week. It’s meant as a companion to my remaining hen. 😔

The new duck is the grey one with the paler caruncle.




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Thanks, I'm the 'other person' and kept getting mixed signals from this one! 😅
When you mentioned it might be a drake, I started getting suspicious myself based on an article I read about the “top 10 ways to gender ID a Muscovy”. The tail is more fan shaped than my older hen. It’s also taller, having a slightly different build. Unfortunately it doesn’t make any sounds yet (that I’ve heard). Strange. I guess that will be the 100% proof, but when does that happen?

Thanks again!

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