Genders, and comb development? (3 week old smoky pearl chicks)

Mar 27, 2024
I have two baby smoky pearls, almost or at 3 weeks old. One has more points on its comb, and I was wondering if that indicates male or female? (Gender guesses are VERY welcome, lol)

chick 1 ☝🏻
Chick 2 👆🏻 (on the right)
More or less points don't indicate gender. General comb and wattle growth, as well as colour do. Both of those look like cockerels to me, although taking a picture without the light would help
More or less points don't indicate gender. General comb and wattle growth, as well as colour do. Both of those look like cockerels to me, although taking a picture without the light would help
Dang it! That means we might have 3 little cockerels out of 4 chicks.. i guess that’s what I get for buying unsexed chicks, haha 😹

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