Getting 4 chickens- will these breeds get along?


Mar 5, 2025
Hi! this is my first time caring for chicken and I was hoping to start with 4 hens. I was considering each one being a different breed: speckled Sussex, Easter egger, buff Orpington and barred rock.
Does this mix sound okay? Anything I should consider?

I had a flock of 2 speckled sussex, 2 buff orpington, a Rhode island red, barred rock, and a silver Laced wyandotte. They all got along well, with the exception of my very bossy RIR (but that's not unusual for that breed). Yours should all get along okay! Chickens are individuals though too, so you might have one that ends up being bully-ish, but I suspect you will have minimal issues with that breed combination especially if they are raised together. Your Sussex might may end up being a bit smaller compared to the other breeds, mine definitely did, but it didn't create any issues. Just keep an eye on flock dynamic. Good luck and congratulations on starting your first flock! :celebrate

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