Getting Along? Gosling and Chicks


Never say Never
Premium Feather Member
Mar 8, 2022
Hello Everyone!
I'm probably overusing this forum, but I'm honestly super thankful for all the help I've received so far... this is a completely new experience for me and I hope to be able to help others in time too as I learn 🙂

Today's question is; how do I get my African Gosling and chicks to get along? The Gosling is about a week while our chicks vary from 4-7wks old. Even though they're about the same size, the Gosling will attack the chicks, especially if there's less than 2 with him. But the problem is, while the chicks are usually quite friendly, I'm worried that they will all gang up on the Gosling if I just drop him in with all 9 them. (They're all still indoors as our coop isn't ready yet.)

We began introductions yesterday and have found that the Gosling REALLY doesn't like my L-orpingtons (he began nipping them on the neck.) But will more or less tolerate my three EEs and 2 older Blck Sex Links. I really want them all to get along. We got the goose to help protect our little flock from predators (mainly rats) and have fallen in love with him. He's very sweet, likes to cuddle with us, and hates being alone, so I thought he'd be happy to have some friends... apparently not. Any thoughts?
Do you have only one gosling? If so, and he's your only goose, you need to get another one ASAP. Geese are flock animals and NEED to have at least one friend of the same species. I know there are some places out there that say you can get a single one for a 'guard' goose, but that is really not a thing.

With that out of the way, you can try having them next to each other all the time but with a barrier in between so they can look but can't touch. Something like hardware cloth or similar.

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