Getting organized


Sep 30, 2024
Columbia, SC
Ok, y’all!! My first flock of 6 chicks should be here next week!! I’m nervous, but trying to be as ready as possible!
I have the pop up brooder, the heat playe, watered and feeder and little perches. Bedding material and a scoop for cleaning. I have starter crumbles and grit for their dining pleasure.
This weekend we’re putting up the big run so it’s ready when they are. I’m going to put pine needles in it to act as flooring in the run, but I think I’m going to do sand in the coop just for ease of cleaning.
My question is…what do I need to have put out for them? Obviously food and water. I’ll get a dust bath ready. Do you put grit and oyster shells in separate feeders? And then hand feed snacks?
I’m sure this sounds a little too detailed…I just don’t want them to go without because I didn’t figure it out 😊
They don’t need the oyster shells until they start laying eggs, it’s for the calcium of there egg shells. Also I’ve found they don’t really care about most treats until they are a bit older, but they love plain oatmeal, I’ve heard it helps keep away pasty butt too. Other than that your setup sounds great, have fun with your new flock!
Ps. Could you put some pictures of your setup? And chicks once you get the of course because they will be cute 💕
Thank you! And I will definitely post pictures! I’m excited!
Can you tell me about the oatmeal? Do I just get regular oatmeal? Cook it? How often?
One thing I’ve found out is using paper towels as bedding for the first few days to a week, because little chicks don’t really know what food is so they pretty much always eat bedding. I’ve never had a chick have issues from eating the bedding, but I feel it’s best to avoid it if you can.
Yes! I have those little blue and white liner thingys 😂
Perfect!! Another thing I figured out is keeping shavings out of the food and water is really important. You can do this by elevating the food and water and adding a little ladder. Or, what I do (see my picture), putting the food and water in some place with walls to keep the shavings out. This, of course can’t be done until the chicks are a little older and can jump. It also makes it more fun for them.
Sounds like you're mostly set.

Yes grit and oyster shell should be in separate dispensers.

I hand feed snacks to chicks to get them to be more hand friendly (some still won't be, don't sweat it) but once they get older I stop since I don't enjoy the amount of competing they do to eat out of my hand. Still, the majority of my flock will come over to investigate my hand if I crouch down and hold it out, as they equate it with food.

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