Ok, y’all!! My first flock of 6 chicks should be here next week!! I’m nervous, but trying to be as ready as possible!
I have the pop up brooder, the heat playe, watered and feeder and little perches. Bedding material and a scoop for cleaning. I have starter crumbles and grit for their dining pleasure.
This weekend we’re putting up the big run so it’s ready when they are. I’m going to put pine needles in it to act as flooring in the run, but I think I’m going to do sand in the coop just for ease of cleaning.
My question is…what do I need to have put out for them? Obviously food and water. I’ll get a dust bath ready. Do you put grit and oyster shells in separate feeders? And then hand feed snacks?
I’m sure this sounds a little too detailed…I just don’t want them to go without because I didn’t figure it out
I have the pop up brooder, the heat playe, watered and feeder and little perches. Bedding material and a scoop for cleaning. I have starter crumbles and grit for their dining pleasure.
This weekend we’re putting up the big run so it’s ready when they are. I’m going to put pine needles in it to act as flooring in the run, but I think I’m going to do sand in the coop just for ease of cleaning.
My question is…what do I need to have put out for them? Obviously food and water. I’ll get a dust bath ready. Do you put grit and oyster shells in separate feeders? And then hand feed snacks?
I’m sure this sounds a little too detailed…I just don’t want them to go without because I didn’t figure it out