Giant cochin???


May 11, 2024
Let me just say that my feed store calls the standard cochin "giant cochin" to make sure buyers are aware that their chick will get big.

My question is: is there a way to differentiate between standard cochin cock or pullet? They are so cute and they have lavender ones.
How old are they? Generally you have to wait until about six to eight weeks to accurately sex them. If they're chicks there's really no way to do so. Some feed stores offer 90% guaranteed pullets, but even with that you can sometimes get a surprise cockerel.
How old are they? Generally you have to wait until about six to eight weeks to accurately sex them. If they're chicks there's really no way to do so. Some feed stores offer 90% guaranteed pullets, but even with that you can sometimes get a surprise cockerel.
They were born yesterday. No my feed store doesn't guarantee anything.

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