Girls vs Girls

Aww, ! Thanks!!!

Onagadori, blue sumatra and partridge cochin, right? That sumatra is gorgeous
Onagadori's are OK, but their too extreme for me, so I've never liked them much (looking at)
But any silver duckwing I like

That food is yummy! My cake was better tho
That's our Chicken Genius!!!

I've always loved decorating cakes, but never had a kit.

So, we had 2 cake mixes (we just buy the cake you add eggs, milk and water too. They still taste good tho) so I'm gonna make the other one and decorate it, but it came with little tub things for food dye, but I dunno how to get it from the tub thingy to the icing
At least w/o dumping it.

I'll add a pic in a sec.

Thanks all you guys for the happy birthdays :')
Cochin :D

I've gtg. Someone used all the battery on the laptop -___-. I'll be on later tonight :D
Oh, OK.

Do you know if pigeons can live off 'slop' like pigs (except a dry version XD) , cause my mom and dad dont seem to understand the difference between being caged and forced to eat this and not really anything else, then eating trash but if you have a certain deficincey go somewhere else to find that certin food.

Oh well, they have nothing agaisnt me buying the food myself. Just gotta wait until tomorrow

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