Going to set a trap for another coon....

DD and DH just went down to set the trap again. The last 2 showed up between dusk and 1 AM. It's the weekend, so we've got all the time in the world tonight to keep resetting the trap, and we also picked up some marshmellows today, I figure it'll take just a few of them to catch the rest of the bandits, then the kids can eat the rest lol
Smores while we wait anyone?
Thanks! We'll do our best! Lol Hmmmm, marsh-mallow? When you put it like that, it doesn't sound so appealing.
But I don't think the coons'll mind.
I agree that raccoon is quite good to eat. However remove the waxy brown bean-shaped kernels (scent glands) from under the forelegs and each thigh, making sure to keep them whole. Trim off the inside and outside layers of fat. Cut the carcass into pieces and soak in brine of 1 tablespoon salt to 1 quart water overnight, or up to 2 days, refrigerated.
The origional candy was made from the root of the Mallow plant, that grows in marshy bogs.

My brain is a fountain of useless information.
opa Thanks for that tip! I wonder if there should be a section under Egg, Chicken, & Other Favorite Recipes for certain predators?

saddina I bet the original wasn't as SWEET....
(never hurts to retain info, you never know when it might come in handy)
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Skillet there is it's called the "varmit thread"

The origional was tooth ache sweet, mostly sugar and something only for the very rich (back when sugar was insainly expensive, before the sugar plantations in the new world......)

As I said everything sticks in there.

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