Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

The name rings a bell, but I can't quite place the movie. I will look that one up also.

Fred Savage and Howie Mandell

I remember that. Good choice also. LOL All you had to do was say the names of the actors and I remembered the movie.
Little Monsters is such a good movie

Goosebumps have tons of movies my 7yr old DS and 4yr DS love them I found a bunch at consignments shops for a buck a peice ..
Goosebumps is as horror as we get in our house. I think the rest of the horror films are just to shady and they aren't allowed in my house.
This is why I love horror movies.

Horror movies actually do sometimes promote good values. Yep. You all heard me correctly.

In horror movies, evil is evil. There is often not a blurring of lines between good and bad. The good guy is often noble in a normal sort of way. Many horror movies have someone loosing their lives so that others can be protected.

Take the rather corny Jeeper Creeper movies. In the first one, the sister begs the monster to kill her instead of her brother. In the second one, a character purposely overturns his truck to save the others from the monster. There are a lot of horror movies-not all- that depict someone voluntarily risking or loosing their lives to save the others.

The hero is often a misunderstood outcast who is the one who risks his or her life to save others.

Of course, there are some directors who mistake gore and violence for good horror. I always leave their movies angry with the director for thinking that I was so dumb that he could substitute special effects for a good scare.

Then again there is the jump factor. I love it when I get a jump. Its sort of a got you moment in the movie.

A horror movie is only a modern day fairy tale. Read the original versions of fairy tales. They were meant to scare adults and sometimes impart a lesson.

I watched the Messengers in a nearly empty movie theater with my friend. At one point, I almost jumped in her lap. I am over forty so you can imagine how silly that must have looked.

I understand and respect that other people have a different opinion on horror movies though .
halloween! not the horrible remake that came out a while back but the REAL one. i used to love watching that as a child late at night!

or any of the friday the 13th movies..i love horror movies but it seems like they try to make them too "real" now, and that takes all the fun out of them.
the phantasm movies are also good.
I agree about them trying to make them too real. There is something viscerally fun about watching some of the older slasher type movies. The jump factor and screaming at the characters not to go into the abandoned building, all are really fun to do with a group of friends.

Although I admit, when I first saw Halloween it scared the heck out of me. The end part where the doctor shoots Michael and he falls out of the window but when they look again the body is gone! Scared the heck out of me. Which is what a good horror movie is supposed to do.
The sixth sense!

I hate horror movies and yes I said HATE them... they make my stomach hurt..

I ONCE took my DS to a haunted house and I hid behind him the whole time... i walked behind him and buried my head between his shoulder

this movie scared the pants off me but there was no gore, no blood, its a thinker
My first horror movie was when I was 7 years old - my sister and I snuck downstairs after bedtime to watch Dracula (the one with Frank Langella)

I almost peed my pants because she wouldn't go to the bathroom with me, and I wasn't about to go alone.

Hey, it sounds like a interesting fun time,
A suggestion, so many things go on in the brain, i would avoid the SAW type movies, get a real horror film, a classic. Hitchcock, We watched Vertigo with my then 11 yr old.. She was Whitefaced, and the abject horror was profound.
The horror wasn't faked.. it was from the mind, not just blood and guts tossed around, Grabbing into the deepest resessess of the mind. not to indwell for ever but to shake the foundations.. not crumble them. The Saw and other, cut them up movies, miss the point of a great horror movie.

Vertigo.. we picked it because we live near San Juan Bautista where it was filmed.

Little did we know how much a horror impact it had on our daughter..

She woke up screaming in the night..... more then once.. but she to this day thinks it is a GREAT MOVIE!!

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