Goose got kicked from the flock

Mar 13, 2021
I have 2 taloose geese that used to be a pair and I have 7 white Chinese geese and they used to all be a flock until the female we think Got kicked out now she is lonely and not going to the pen with them at night
Watch who is excluding or attacking the lone goose. If it is other males, then you probably have a low ranking gander, as Percheron chick already pointed out. But if it is females pushing the loner off then it could be a female. Geese often are jealous of extra males or females-- they work really well as just pairs, especially in the breeding season.
I have 2 taloose geese that used to be a pair and I have 7 white Chinese geese and they used to all be a flock until the female we think Got kicked out now she is lonely and not going to the pen with them at night

Breeding season is starting. More than likely "she's" a he and the lowest ranking one. Picture? Age?

Here it is 1 yr old

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