Goose is dizzy, can't walk, falls over?

They are showing classic signs of niacin deficiency. First thing is to add a minimum of 10mg/day/gosling. Can be added to drinking water (remove swimming water) or mix with feed. Extra will not hurt them as it's a water soluble vitamin and they excrete the excess.
Should i add it to the feed on a regular basis from now on? they are a year old this week.....
Niacin is only critical while they are growing. If they are a year old that's not the problem. Have you checked their feet? Are they overweight? Did they injure themselves? How much of their diet is grass?
not over weight, grass and feed is about 50/50 feet are warm but not hot and they are injury free
he took a couple steps today but then fell forward onto his chest. the crop isn't protruding at all and sometimes he lays there with his mouth open.
These all sound like head trauma/neurological issues such as stroke to me. I have had a couple of geese who went to bed fine and woke up unable to walk or stand without falling over, head thrashing about, reluctance to eat and the prognosis was not good. One was 20+ years old and the other was around 10 months old. I hope eveyone's geese are okay!
We also have an adut male goose (1 of 3 adult male geese) who suddenly started falling over and having trouble walking. My geese free range our property with the rest of our chickens and ducks. He is having worse trouble today than he did 3 days ago. He is over a year old so I'm not sure if the niacin is the issue. I read the post from Umar, but I don't see any puss coming from the tail gland, although the feathers around it are yellowish tinted. I read about the soiled water (their water gets soiled in the first 5 mintes after they are swimming in it, this seems like an impossible task!) so I created a mixture of 1/2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar, 1/4 c. molasses, 1 niacin capsule, and the rest of a 24 ounce (nearly a quart) sauce jar full of water. Then I poured about 3/4 cup of this solution into a drinking glass. Supposing this will exactly do you get a goose to eat or drink anything they don't want to eat or drink without drowning them???
After 3 days of shoving his face in a glass of molasses mixture, he is starting to walk a tiny bit better. We have also been giving him a bath in the house every night which makes sure he gets water at least once a day, and makes sure he is clean. Hopefully he continues to improve.
Did any of you wobbly goose owners get any answers? Same situation here. going on 5 days, no walk at all. Can't support herself at all. I'm thinking she got into some bee killer poison that was recently sprayed. She has also been getting into the insulation under 2 cabins, which apparently is VERY toxic. Don't know if she is eating it or just destroying it, but probably ingesting some of it. Dosing her on Vitamins, especially C & B, Vinegar in the water, sleeping inside, "physical therapy", exercise and massage.... No improvement. Seems to be neurological for sure. At what point do we ... pull the plug... ? oh also, she seems to have no voice ... for the time being, at least.
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After 3 days of shoving his face in a glass of molasses mixture, he is starting to walk a tiny bit better. We have also been giving him a bath in the house every night which makes sure he gets water at least once a day, and makes sure he is clean. Hopefully he continues to improve.
oh good to hear this. I'm doing pretty much the same protocol. We'll see what happens. What does the Molasses do? probly provides iron & B vitamins?
I don’t have an answer for you, but I had a Chinese gander who had this exact thing a couple of years ago. I believe it was a virus, or maybe an infection, do they have access to fresh water? Mine had it when we only had a small pond for them that would get dirty quickly, he declined quickly, I fed him Gatorade and worms by hand for two days, and then he started to improve. Although he never walked as normally as he once did. I think it definitely had lasting affects on him.... how is the gander today?
I am having this same exact problem with my almost 2 year old Toulouse. She was fine and then yesterday I noticed she was a bit tipsy. Today she keeps falling over.

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