
Apr 22, 2020
I noticed my goose's foot is making a clicking noise every time she takes a step, should I be concerned she is 4-5 months old and she walks fine other then the noise with every step.
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If you could get a video of the noise, post it on youtube or Vimeo, and copy/paste the link here, that would be helpful.
A little hard for me to hear the noise from the video, but it sounds very minor. It could be a piece of foreign matter stuck in her throat, it's hard to tell. At this point, I would just monitor her and make sure it doesn't worsen,
Update on my previous comment... My gooses leg still clicks and has been for months but her other leg started clicking today. She hasn't done anything that should warrant an out of place joint. It doesn't seem to bother her at all and she gets around just fine. Not sure what's causing it and can't seem to find anything online

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