Gopher Boy Farm in the news.....

YEEEEAAAHH for GopherBoy and his nifty-keen rocket restored!!

I wanna see you diagram the recovery, too. LOVE your artwork.
ya know it's been so crazy around here we havent even had a chance to call the news channel back.....
but heres kinda how it went....
Got a call from 911 saying it wasnt an emergency but they need to talk to Lance.
Wanted to tell him the rocket had been found.
Guess the people that stold it got scared after all the news and radio storys about it so they ditched it in a field someplace. Someone found it while taking a walk and remebered seeing the story on the news so they called the police. The police met Lance out by the field to recover the wasnt damaged at all!!!

No it looks like we might have more "coverage" of our little farm. This weekend I think HGTV is coming out to do a story on our chicken coop............they found our thread here on BYC and contacted us about doing a story, so I sent them a link to our other coop thread and to our webpage that has all the GopherBoy videos and I just got off the phone with them and am waiting for a call back this afternoon.

This is all so crazy!!!!!

thank you all for your great support!!!!!
Maybe GopherBoy will get his own show after all, LOL

OH OH! I can see it now!! Gopher Boy touring the Backyard Coops of the US and Canada for HGTV! What will HGTV call it? Coops of the Continent? Gopher Boy's Coop Tours? Coops on a Dime? Devine Coop-design? Will Genevieve come redecorate?

Glad you got the rocket back, but you know, as long as no one was hurt and no real harm done, (though invasion of privacy and property was very wrong) I gotta say this turned out ok.

Glad that the rocket was OK, next time bolt that thing into the ground so the next thief wont tempt to rocket out of there! It must have been a good thing for the thief to take the rocket, otherwise you and the BYC would not have this celebrity status!!!!!!!!

Way to go Tiff!

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