Gosling with saggy neck/chest


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2022
Hi all! We hatched a Super African Dewlap goose about 5 weeks ago. We noticed about three days ago that her chest/lower neck has very obvious loose skin. We hatched other eggs that are supposed to be the same breed but from a different supplier and they don't have any of this excess skin. It feels like its empty and is really easy to move around. Almost like a balloon that's had the air deflated out of it. We believe she has some neurological defects from birth as she is a little wobbly still and has bags under her eyes. Sometimes she just bites at the air. Currently on Flock Raiser with added brewers yeast. Was on Mazuri waterfowl starter for first three weeks. Eats, drinks, and dookies fine. Really couldn't find anything on the internet about this. Any ideas?


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Hi all! We hatched a Super African Dewlap goose about 5 weeks ago. We noticed about three days ago that her chest/lower neck has very obvious loose skin. We hatched other eggs that are supposed to be the same breed but from a different supplier and they don't have any of this excess skin. It feels like its empty and is really easy to move around. Almost like a balloon that's had the air deflated out of it. We believe she has some neurological defects from birth as she is a little wobbly still and has bags under her eyes. Sometimes she just bites at the air. Currently on Flock Raiser with added brewers yeast. Was on Mazuri waterfowl starter for first three weeks. Eats, drinks, and dookies fine. Really couldn't find anything on the internet about this. Any ideas?
I think this is just genetics. It looks like she’s developing the extra skin that super dewlap Toulouse are known for, I know she’s a super African but I think the same genes are involved for these traits in both breeds.

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As for her wobbliness it could be a nutritional issue, her diet is fine but sometimes on occasion there’s a gosling whose digestion just isn’t as efficient. Some batches of feed can be off also, and older bags lose nutritional value as it ages. You could start her on a liquid B vitamin complex just in case there is a deficiency.
Another cause is also her genetics, mr.margelivinlarge on instagram had two rescue supers with serious mobility issues, I’m not sure if there is a name for the condition but it is something that might be a breed related issue, if this is the case she may worsen as she grows and all you can do is try to keep her comfortable and make her life as easy as possible, no steep inclines and more pool time to strengthen her legs, make sure there’s easy access in and out of the pool.
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I think this is just genetics. It looks like she’s developing the extra skin that super dewlap Toulouse are known for, I know she’s a super African but I think the same genes are involved for these traits in both breeds.

Example View attachment 3872828


As for her wobbliness it could be a nutritional issue, her diet is fine but sometimes on occasion there’s a gosling whose digestion just isn’t as efficient. Some batches of feed can be off also, and older bags lose nutritional value as it ages. You could start her on a liquid B vitamin complex just in case there is a deficiency.
Another cause is also her genetics, mr.margelivinlarge on instagram had two rescue supers with serious mobility issues, I’m not sure if there is a name for the condition but it is something that might be a breed related issue, if this is the case she may worsen as she grows and all you can do is try to keep her comfortable and make her life as easy as possible, no steep inclines and pool time to strengthen her legs, make sure there’s easy access in and out of the pool.
Wow! Thank you so much for the info! That picture is very similar to what it looks like, just on a smaller scale! I appreciate the info about the feed. I forgot to mention that they graze on grass outside as well. I have some B complex I will add to the feed as well. I really appreciate your input!
Wow! Thank you so much for the info! That picture is very similar to what it looks like, just on a smaller scale! I appreciate the info about the feed. I forgot to mention that they graze on grass outside as well. I have some B complex I will add to the feed as well. I really appreciate your input!
I don’t think she’ll have skin to that extreme given that she’s an African, they don’t seem to get skin hanging to that extent, but if you suspect they’re crosses I wonder if the breeder crossed in some super dewlap Toulouse somewhere in the last few generations to get more of that look. If that’s the case the genetics will be more unpredictable with some exhibiting more traits than others. She already has extra skin which is surprising so I think she definitely has the gene much stronger.

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