Got a little help from the ladies…

Can’t figure out how to post a video, but one of our Barred Rock hens got up on the bench and was trying to get to the ladder to get over. They were squawking at us while we built, giving advice , and then complained when they realized it was too high to fly over.
Will be working on the doors next weekend and then will have to watch for where they will squeeze through to get in that area so can stop the “leaks”.
After that will be dragging all the wood and stuff out and pressure washing the poop out of there.
Sounds like they need a supervisor position ASAP 🤣 Chickens are so much fun! They have such personalities!
My wife got busy yesterday, now that the project is started she is rolling ahead with it until I get home.

Planning on double doors to be able to get equipment in and out.
Then starting on clearing the dirt side out and enclosing most of it to make a big coop. Then tearing down the hillybilly condo coop to put in another large single coop.
Not sure if I did this video right
I think I saw some smoke starting to puff from her ears 🤔 she sure thought through every scenario on that one, she pulled out the calculus, trigonometry, and physics, got too tired from all the calculating and decided she needed a snack and a nap before implementing the theory she developed.
My chickens are just as "helpful" with DIY. When I was doing routine maintenance on their run fence by adjusting some screws, the ladies were gathered where I was and one of my easter eggers Ginger decided to help with screw placement by pecking the screw I was trying to drill in. Another time when I was installing a ramp onto their new coop Ginkgo was testing to see if the new ramp could support her weight while I was screwing it on while the others were inspecting my work
My chickens are just as "helpful" with DIY. When I was doing routine maintenance on their run fence by adjusting some screws, the ladies were gathered where I was and one of my easter eggers Ginger decided to help with screw placement by pecking the screw I was trying to drill in. Another time when I was installing a ramp onto their new coop Ginkgo was testing to see if the new ramp could support her weight while I was screwing it on while the others were inspecting my work
They are always helpful, in the hopes we might share our lunch. The Tom’s will constantly circle my wife while she’s off the ladder then step back and wait for her to come down again.
They like to sift the dirt from the post hole to capture all the worms that might undermine the posts.
Even getting up on the ladder rungs to cluck about how I didn’t level check the boards.

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