Got two chickens I think one is a rooster.


In the Brooder
Jan 14, 2025
I recently received a coop from a friend that was big enough for four.

I decided to only get two hens and I went to a professional store and bought two "polish chickens". They turns out not so polish. One is a mottled houdan and one is a crevoceour.

They are ridiculously cute, but I did buy them to lay an egg or two a week, and it looks like my Houdan is probably a gentleman rooster. They are about 8-9 weeks, only go in the coop during the day if it isn't too cold. They are stuck in a smaller run in the house until the weather gets better.

If he is rooster, and I think he is, should I try to get one more chick? I really wanted to have eggs.

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

If he's a cockerel, you can let him breed your pullets when they are several months past the beginning of lay and their eggs are a good size and either incubate them or hope for a girl to go broody and let her hatch a clutch for you.
It's possible the crevoceour is a pullet. Would they be able to mate? If they have too many babies, what do you do with the overflow chicklets? Sell them? (Or build a bigger coop....)
It's possible the crevoceour is a pullet. Would they be able to mate? If they have too many babies, what do you do with the overflow chicklets? Sell them? (Or build a bigger coop....)
Different breeds can mate. The offspring are obviously mixed breeds. As long as you don't mind that, you can hatch their eggs or hope for a broody to do the job for you.
I keep pullets as replacements for my older hens that are slowing dying off. I offer cockerels for $5 each and when I find someone that wants them for a flock leader, I give them away.
Different breeds can mate. The offspring are obviously mixed breeds. As long as you don't mind that, you can hatch their eggs or hope for a broody to do the job for you.
I keep pullets as replacements for my older hens that are slowing dying off. I offer cockerels for $5 each and when I find someone that wants them for a flock leader, I give them away.
Thank you so much for that info! I imagine their babies would be insanely cute. A lot to look forward to with my first chickens!

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