Granny's gone and done it again

Camping I need to show that to hubs. That’s so cute for planters!! And gosh knows we have enough random tires kicking around!!

So...I think they got hubs his old work truck back. It’s parked in the yard at his work. When he left it got sent to someone else a ways away - not the same shop. So seeing it there...he’s going home y’all. He’s going to go down tomorrow to talk to bossman about when he’s starting again and hash out rest of the details. I’m glad of him going back. And not just cause that job pays much better...I’m hoping things will be better for him now.
Your darn truck has fewer miles on it than any of our vehicles. Flexxie is around 120 some odd, and our Big Honkin Truck is nearing 240
Yeah, 80K is "just broke in"!

Hi H20, how are you today? I was looking for pups on AKC website. I have sticker shock!
I'm not surprised given what I see people asking in the local weekly paper. Sometimes it says shots, never have seen an ad that talked about testing for likely medical problems like hip dysplasia even on the parents. Personal puppy mills I think.

Lost the black Cochin this morning. I peeled poop off his butt yesterday.
:( You sure are having a rough go this time around.

BUT I am NOT an auto mechanic OR married to one.
You could fix that last part. Of course it might take longer if you are picky about gender ;) But I'll put you up if you want to come visit. There is a place here called "Girlington Garage". Run by women. Was originally in Burlington so they played on the name. You could hang out there and see if you hit it off with one of the mechanics.

I’m glad of him going back. And not just cause that job pays much better...I’m hoping things will be better for him now.
Yeah working for PITAs just isn't worth the stress. Better off with the better paying job and putting money in an IRA or a ROTH IRA. I hope they don't forget they owe you for his travel expenses.

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