Granny's gone and done it again

I am conscious again unfortunately. These broken ribs show no sign of getting better. I'd sure like to have 3-4 bottles of that Ativan if that is what got me so drunk Sunday night. The PP the ER doc gave me the script for is as worthless as the nipples on a cut boar. I can take a PP every 8 hours and the only last for 2. Takes half an hour for some relief and 2 hours later nothing. I have so many things to do. Wife is going out alone to open coops so the kids can hunt bugs. I'm so glad I had just filled all the storage cans with bags of feed right before I fell. All I can do right now is sit and wait for a call from Pain Management hoping they can do something without me having to travel the 70 miles to get there. I know once I see that doc I can get a script that will do some good. Going to check my BP now. I don't remember exact number but it was upwards of 200/90 when in the ER. It did go down after I got the Ativan and I think it is spelled Norco there. I've rambled enough. Just didn't want y'all to think I wasn't paying attention in my absence today. I have to find a way to sit or lie down to brace myself so I don't hurt so bad.
I am conscious again unfortunately. These broken ribs show no sign of getting better. I'd sure like to have 3-4 bottles of that Ativan if that is what got me so drunk Sunday night. The PP the ER doc gave me the script for is as worthless as the nipples on a cut boar. I can take a PP every 8 hours and the only last for 2. Takes half an hour for some relief and 2 hours later nothing. I have so many things to do. Wife is going out alone to open coops so the kids can hunt bugs. I'm so glad I had just filled all the storage cans with bags of feed right before I fell. All I can do right now is sit and wait for a call from Pain Management hoping they can do something without me having to travel the 70 miles to get there. I know once I see that doc I can get a script that will do some good. Going to check my BP now. I don't remember exact number but it was upwards of 200/90 when in the ER. It did go down after I got the Ativan and I think it is spelled Norco there. I've rambled enough. Just didn't want y'all to think I wasn't paying attention in my absence today. I have to find a way to sit or lie down to brace myself so I don't hurt so bad.
My pain clinic would fire me if I took home PPs from somewhere else.
Morning all
I am conscious again unfortunately. These broken ribs show no sign of getting better. I'd sure like to have 3-4 bottles of that Ativan if that is what got me so drunk Sunday night. The PP the ER doc gave me the script for is as worthless as the nipples on a cut boar. I can take a PP every 8 hours and the only last for 2. Takes half an hour for some relief and 2 hours later nothing. I have so many things to do. Wife is going out alone to open coops so the kids can hunt bugs. I'm so glad I had just filled all the storage cans with bags of feed right before I fell. All I can do right now is sit and wait for a call from Pain Management hoping they can do something without me having to travel the 70 miles to get there. I know once I see that doc I can get a script that will do some good. Going to check my BP now. I don't remember exact number but it was upwards of 200/90 when in the ER. It did go down after I got the Ativan and I think it is spelled Norco there. I've rambled enough. Just didn't want y'all to think I wasn't paying attention in my absence today. I have to find a way to sit or lie down to brace myself so I don't hurt so bad.
Have you tried any of the creams that have lidocaine in them? Might help. I am a big believer in a soak in hot bath water for at least 30 minutes, sometimes an hour.
You should also do deep breathing regularly. People with broken ribs tend to breathe shallowly and can develop pneumonia.
My pain clinic would fire me if I took home PPs from somewhere else.
Well if they fire me for doing such with broken ribs on the weekend then so be it. As long as I've been going there with a stellar record of pill counts and tox screens.... I don't expect a problem. I've called the office and am waiting on a return call. They know what has happened and won't get a red flag from the pharmacy. That happened once in another state when a dentist did a root canal and gave me a script for the same thing pain mgt was giving me. I never once questioned it. The doc had been notified but did not get bent out of shape over it under the circumstances. The dentist and pain mgt offices were just blocks apart in a smaller town. I also had a record of being squeaky clean with pill counts and tox screens. Right now I just want to sleep until the bones reconnect at the break. Trying to break the boredom here with the good people on BYC.

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