Granny's gone and done it again

Took me a long time to eat so little.
Yeah I just had a migraine this morning and still have it. Rescue meds aren’t working. I also threw up like 7 times today which is part of the migraine. And this is almost the second week I’ve had the migraine. Had one every single day since last Tuesday.
:( that’s miserable. I hope it passes soon.

Well we made it to our first rest stop. Best way to break in someone towing is apparently to drive through la. I left behind plenty of curses, lamentations and shaking of fists in my wake lol.

Made some dandelion flower infused honey as an immune booster. Dandelion has a lot of health benefits and this is a tasty way to ingest it.View attachment 3850104
I've found a place to buy dandelion seed. Need to order some and plant them around where the chickens get to roam about during the day.

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