Granny's gone and done it again

I was at my drs once and didnt know what was going on with me. I remember parts of it but not all. I was wandering the hallways After the dr had seen me Another dr came out and asked if I was ok then my dr came out and very hatefully said Im done with you. Leave. This new dr took ahold of me and took me to her room. She looked me over and checked my blood work and I was very low in salt. She gave me something. Salt tablets maybe and switched me over to her.
Wow. Glad they fixed you up
Fed ex just delivered the box of food and that man carried that heavy box all the way down my driveway! I cant even lift it and thats a good 200ft. at least. I tried to give him kudos on line but theres only room for complaints.
Maybe you will like these meals better.
Why didn’t he drive down to your housr

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