Granny's gone and done it again

I think a lot of folks mistake the visa holders as illegals. No way illegals are getting all of that. No way possible.
I will find you the info. This is not people here legally with visas. I love all the legal migrants. They make this country great.
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From the covered calfornia website


As of Jan. 1, 2024, adults in California ages 26 through 49 will be allowed to qualify for Medi-Cal, regardless of their immigration status. All other Medi-Cal eligibility rules, including income limits, will still apply. Find out more on the Department of Health Care Services website.
I'll check back in later. My missing hen turned up this morning like she did nothing wrong. She had a mean streak in her to boot. She was being really mean to the hen she normally roosts with. Just wait until I get my hands on her. I may put her in time out in a dog kennel next to a hen that is in recovery like she once was. My morning chores are done and I'm beat. We are still under a heat advisory. I don't see anything worse that what we have had for a month or so.
Where has she been do you think? That's been several days she's been gone! I'm shocked as I was afraid something got her.

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