Granny's gone and done it again

I don't have the 'raise your arm for relief' sort of pain. Mine is 'I can't hold my head upright any longer I need to lean it back against something or it's going to break off' kind of pain. Most of my pain is at the base of my neck and about midway down my neck. I think C3/4 are the worse on me. I'd have to look at my MRI again. It's either 2/3 or 3/4. What sent me to the doctor was every time I sneezed hard or coughed hard I would have lightning bolt pain shoot down my left arm and the left side of my neck and I couldn't move my arm for about 5 minutes. I also couldn't reach behind me without getting the lightning bolt pain shooting from my neck to my fingertips.

I still have the pain when I sneeze or cough hard but the pain at the base of my neck is an old friend now that I could really live without.

You can turn your head without pain? Wow. That would be cool. I can only turn my head about 20 degrees to the left. Makes it hard to look behind me when I'm driving but I've learned to swivel around in the car seat.

I have to salute you having the surgery. Frankly I'm scared to death to have any spine surgery done. My father had a double laminectomy back when they just started doing them and they messed him up for life. He lived with pain and problems with his back and legs for the rest of his life. Talked to the doctors about it and they said, oh, it's come a long way since then.

Didn't do much to ease my apprehensions. But then I'm not all that enthusiastic about RF Ablation either. :rolleyes:
I've had two heart ablations, speaking of ablations. Didn't work.
It's because of the surgery that I can move my head around. Most of what you explained in pain was me, except the sneeze! Ouch. Putting my arm up helped, thank the heavens.
I have a son that had his lower back done. His pain was so bad he had to lay on the floor, could hardly get up. Interesting thing, an Orthopedic Surgeon did his. It turned out ok but I'm not having anyone but a Neurosurgeon go near my spine.
I'm a patient patient. My cardiologist is doing this and his office is in the hospital complex. He is well staffed like I've never seen before so I know I'll get a call if there is a need for more testing ASAP. Meanwhile I've got plenty of ortho to deal without even thinking or getting distracted with the thyroid testing. Nothing is hurting there like my left shoulder, my left leg, my left butt cheek, and more. I will not take any med stronger than Trammadol plus arthritis strength Tylenol and right now that is not working even with the base dose of Meloxicam.
Hopefully that injection will also help with the butt pain, which could be the sciatica.

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