Granny's gone and done it again

Actually, I was pretending to be wild this morning when I stepped out on my front porch and started growling like a bear and waving my arms around trying to scare a family of deer out of the yard, mom, dad and 3 little ones. Normally I wouldn't mind but they keep eating my flowers. Didn't do any good, they just stood there and looked at me like, would you look at that idiot.

Well that's familiar! In our case it's goats... the neighbors goats. Who don't respect fences.
We have protective fencing around our many potted plants, and the goats are constantly finding way to bulldoze them out of shape especially on the side near the concrete pad where we can't add poles. They reach through with their naughty little goat muzzles, and it's gotten worse since the twin babies came along because they have smaller muzzles.
Everybody loves the Shampoo Ginger! It keeps coming back but I have yet to get any flowers from it. Last year it was the squirrels that kept eating it. We still had a lot of Rhizomes to separate into four pots so I'm hopeful this year they will be healthy too. And at least the goats don't have a taste for Meyer Lemon leaves! The lemons should be ready in a month or so.
For Granny when she gets home.
Im home. It was terrible. They put me in a machine 3 sizes too small. It actually gave me cleavage! My nose was 3inchs to the top of that thing. No pillow allowed for my arm or room for that matter. After they did the neck they allowed me a pillow there. Never for the arm and they put both in a cage. She asked me 10xs if I wanted to stop and I refused. Told her I HAD to have it done. My shoulders were squished as far as they could go and the bed was narrow and brick hard. I am in a ton of pain from it. I will let y'all know something when I do.❤️
We have heard word that there has been a catastrophic failure of the Waterville Lake Dam in North Carolina. If you have family down stream between Hartford and Newport, TN please evacuate to higher ground now! Cocke County officials have already evacuated inmates out the Cocke County Jail to higher ground.
Im home. It was terrible. They put me in a machine 3 sizes too small. It actually gave me cleavage! My nose was 3inchs to the top of that thing. No pillow allowed for my arm or room for that matter. After they did the neck they allowed me a pillow there. Never for the arm and they put both in a cage. She asked me 10xs if I wanted to stop and I refused. Told her I HAD to have it done. My shoulders were squished as far as they could go and the bed was narrow and brick hard. I am in a ton of pain from it. I will let y'all know something when I do.❤️
Too small how strange. The one I went in was huge. Wonder why it was so small


1. Partial thickness bursal sided fraying of the anterior cable attachment ofsupraspinatus, estimated at 50-60% thickness.2. Acromioclavicular degenerative changes with undersurface osteophytes andthickening of the coracoacromial ligament. This narrows the supraspinatus outletspace and could contribute to impingement symptoms.3. Mild subacromial subdeltoid bursal edema.4. Age typical glenohumeral and glenoid labral degenerative changes.
ROTATOR CUFF & ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES: The supraspinatus shows partialthickness bursal sided fraying of the anterior cable attachment, estimated at50-60% thickness. No partial width full-thickness tearing identified ofsupraspinatus.Infraspinatus and subscapularis tendons are intact. The teres minor muscle andtendon are intact.The long head of the biceps tendon is intact and located within the bicipitalgroove.OSSEOUS STRUCTURES & ARTICULATIONS: There is acromioclavicular degenerativechange. There is thickening of the coracoacromial ligament. There areundersurface osteophytes at the acromioclavicular joint and there is resultantnarrowing of the supraspinatus outlet space.
OSSEOUS STRUCTURES & ARTICULATIONS: There is acromioclavicular degenerativechange. There is thickening of the coracoacromial ligament. There areundersurface osteophytes at the acromioclavicular joint and there is resultantnarrowing of the supraspinatus outlet space.There is mild subacromial subdeltoid bursal edema.

This is shoulder. BB with neck.

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