Granny's gone and done it again

If you have a loop around town, I'd hop on it and drive around the city for thirty or forty minutes at Hiway speed checking it out before I headed out of town again.
We live 30 miles from the car shop and it ran fine. We live another 40 miles from church and again, no problems. It's running great. 🤷‍♀️ It only took about a quart of water to get it so I could drive it to the shop to get worked on from Plaza Tire where we first had it towed to. Surprised me, I thought the radiator was bone dry!

Was steam coming from under the hood? What led you to determine you were overheating?
Flashing lights and bells urgently dinging on the dash and a message that said it was overheating and to pull over. An alert then said to let the car idle to cool the engine so we did that. Several minutes later all the alarms stopped so we thought we could limp it to the nearest station only 4 miles away. But after driving about 15 feet it started alarming again even more urgently and this time smoke started billowing out from under the hood. And IMO it was smoke, not steam so we shut 'er down. And called AAA.
During the day, tramadol and acetaminophen. At night Gabapentin, Flexeril along with the tram and acetaminophen. I hate it with a screaming red passion but they finally got things arranged so I can sleep at night and usually can do things I want to do during the day without too much discomfort.
They sure don’t like to give anyone pain pills anymore.

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