Granny's gone and done it again

So gifted! :love
He likes it in the mall because it's air conditioned. The malls are expensive so we did it by the week.I'm scared to write a contract anymore because he gets sick to often.. And his memory. The last 2 malls he was there week ends and if he needed to catch up he could come in during the week. But...times change
Yes. Exercise and mental stimulation are so important to the development of the young brain. The neurons are all there at birth, but exercise forms the connections, or dendrites, during a brief window shortly after birth.
I thought brains were fully engaged around 25. Esp for males.
I talked the lady interested in my female kid into buying the mother as well. Tomorrow I have to drive to meet the lady about 90 miles from here, it would be at least 3 hours for her to come all the way here, 3 hours back.
Still sleeping a lot, hope it helps me heal faster.
So as long as the deal works out, the goats will be all gone. 3 chickens left.
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