Granny's gone and done it again

Are you trying to find healthy snacks.? I just made taco meat. I put it over a salad.
That sounds good. And still working on it… :oops:

On the one hand, just went to the grocery store Saturday and did NOT buy lunch meat (although I did buy a half ham, 5 lbs, on hugeeee sale for $5) and bought yogurt and raspberries along with salad so I’ve been eating the yogurt and raspberries. Haven’t touched the salad yet. On the other hand, I ate like a million cookies today and a carrot cake muffin/cupcake thing lol also bought a big thing of tapioca pudding Saturday. Finished that by Sunday. Also the yogurt is vanilla and probably loaded with sugar even though it’s organic and probiotic etc. etc. my dad wanted me to get carrot sticks but I don’t really like carrots that much.
Never had one.

forgot what this was about. LOL

Not me!
Crude oil varies from area to area and it depends on the life forms it was made from. Many elements comprise it. Even lead. As a natural resource it has the needed ingredients to make many products from. Some good some not so good.
Fresh snow layer, the low clouds lend to a feeling of melancholy.

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