Granny's gone and done it again

Ryder is almost as big as Jenny now. He's SO mouthy! It's hard for me to pet him, he keeps grabbing at my hands. I don't like that. Have never had to deal with it before. GC got him enrolled in obedience classes. They use the clicker method. I know it's popular but I don't agree with it. But I keep still, as long as she's consistent that's what matters.

One of my silly hens got out Friday night and Ryder went after it. Fortunately I was out there cleaning at the time so I put a stop to it. Jenny thought that looked like a fun game and started in on it too. I locked all three dogs in separate bedrooms and tried to catch the hen but she wasn't having it so I just opened the gates so she could find her own way in. Then when DH got home we went out and trimmed a wing on the guilty hen. I knew I'd have a dead hen and a couple of chicken killers by the time I got home from church today if I didn't!

As soon as the ground thaws I will have my neighbor hook me up an electric fencer. I am going to cure Ryder of going after chickens once and for all. And Jenny, too!

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