Granny's gone and done it again

Well, either my taste buds have changed, or Kentucky Fried Chicken has changed. :(
I really like their coleslaw though, and Chuck A Rama's.
Granny you must feel good that you were able to do more. I lay down at night and think of what I was able to. When I first started out with this Vestibular thing, I wasn't doing much. Didn't think I could. Between my meds for it and me making myself do more, I've actually been able to do more. Some days more, some days not as much. I take any good day that comes along. I just feel good sometimes that I got one thing done. Did some wash today, I always make my bed, shopped, and ate myself...for the first time in ages.
No one showed up yesterday to put my big dresser together that I got from Wayfair. :( Got on a chat with them. I've paid for this. Something Austin said, hey mom, I could have done it. It would have taken him hrs. He's put so many things together for me, and helped me get things together since we moved in. Anyway, new appointment on Monday. They better come.

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