Granny's gone and done it again

I'm sure most of the gardeners on here know what a butternut squash is.... Imagine having a guy coming into the ER to have one removed... It was surgically removed... Darwin did him no favors... He did survive but the other guy that came in about the same time from sniffing Dursban didn't. When asked why he was sniffing Dursban he said "I wanted to get High..." That was his last high.
What's Dursban?
I'm sure most of the gardeners on here know what a butternut squash is.... Imagine having a guy coming into the ER to have one removed... It was surgically removed... Darwin did him no favors... He did survive but the other guy that came in about the same time from sniffing Dursban didn't. When asked why he was sniffing Dursban he said "I wanted to get High..." That was his last high.
Helping patients with emotional and mental problems takes a strong person and lots of patience. To bad not more people can get help before they go that far.

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