Granny's gone and done it again

I guess I’m pretty far behind. . .
Even my mare Lilly is behind normal foaling time. The “common” gestation is 335-345 days. Her due date was February 27, she is now 12 days overdue. But don’t worry, she has had three foals so far and everyone of those has been perfectly healthy and well developed.
So far her gestation, birthing and being re-bred has cycled on a perfect 365 day cycle. It’s not super common for a horse gestation to be a twelve month cycle, but it’s not uncommon enough to be alarmed.
I’ll keep a close eye on her and make sure all is well.
This is Lilly eating some oats.View attachment 4070030

This is the sire to the foal that’s coming. View attachment 4070032
Nice. She's looking pretty flat on that hindend, and she's looking pretty pointy in the bottom part of her tummy. Is she leaking clear..or white? Is her vulva less wrinkled..elongated? I'm sure you know all of the signs. Can't wait for pictures. I'm thinking ..soon!
Well, I think I have .... news, anyway. Not sure whether it's good or not.

I was scheduled to see a PA at the orthopedics tomorrow afternoon. Just got a call cancelling that. Looking at my MRI they decided I need to see an actual surgeon and rescheduled me for Friday the 21st at 8:45 a.m. This was because of the torn meniscus that the MRI showed, so I told the gal that called about my injury subsequent to the MRI that makes me think I have a torn ACL. She put me on hold and when she came back she said go ahead and come in on the 21st but if I have "excruciating pain" before then, go straight to the ER.

So. Okay. *Sigh*
Well, I think I have .... news, anyway. Not sure whether it's good or not.

I was scheduled to see a PA at the orthopedics tomorrow afternoon. Just got a call cancelling that. Looking at my MRI they decided I need to see an actual surgeon and rescheduled me for Friday the 21st at 8:45 a.m. This was because of the torn meniscus that the MRI showed, so I told the gal that called about my injury subsequent to the MRI that makes me think I have a torn ACL. She put me on hold and when she came back she said go ahead and come in on the 21st but if I have "excruciating pain" before then, go straight to the ER.

So. Okay. *Sigh*
I have not canceled yet, wanted to talk to dr first. Now that they have me talking to a surgeon, looks like I might have to. Still have time though. Need to find out how long before I will be back on my feet.
They may want to do a ..cleanup I first scheduled for, then canceled since my shot kicked in. You may need just that, hopefully not a replacement.

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