Granny's gone and done it again

Fawn goes tomorrow for her first nail trim with the groomer. Supposed to anyway. She is not exactly social with strangers. I'm hoping we can get her done and take her home first. Any tips? Should I bring Bandits muzzle for her just in case? well, first since a sick parvo puppy then when she got spayed they put her under and did it then and Robert does it sometimes but he only gets the fronts. Had I known it was only $5.00 She would of went more often
Some places just clip the nails and some places use a Dremel. They are still sharp if they just use a nail clipper/ trimmer. My puppies started allowing me to trim them. I guess they realize I won't cut their feet of🤣 I just use a clipper so the nails are still sharp
Some places just clip the nails and some places use a Dremel. They are still sharp if they just use a nail clipper/ trimmer. My puppies started allowing me to trim them. I guess they realize I won't cut their feet of🤣 I just use a clipper so the nails are still sharp
we bought a Dremel but all 3 dogs freak out with it.
Im so tired today. I took a muscle relaxer last night and still feel it. Kevin came and took Robert to Walmarts today. I was out of creamer! :eek: The horror! He will be back tomorrow to take the dogs in. I hope they don't freeze after getting shaved. I needed to wash dishes like yesterday but I guess Im waiting on Nancy now.I have 2 pieces of chicken left. No rice. So much for freezing some of it. Cant blame Robert this time. That was all Tom and I.

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