Granny's gone and done it again

They're saying Jane's hip is starting to curve around the right way. What? I'm reading that hip dysplasia should be taken care of as soon as possible, within the first few months.
Oh well, I'm not the Dr. Hope and pray this is right.
wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.
wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.
I thought about that. I'll mention it. Had to think about, that. She likes the dr really well ..I think. I can hope she's starting to wonder.
Hope you all get some sleep.
I found out today a good friend of mine needs to have a Septal Myectomy. The only assurance I could give her was that the surgery itself sounds promising, and that Scott had a Mutral Valve repair. He did really well. Never had a problem with it again. She may have that and need to have the thickened muscle wall removed. Scary surgery but sounds like it usually helps.
She has HCM.

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