Granny's gone and done it again

Yeah, i am happy he survived. I was ready to have him put down but husband said wait and see how he does. He hates this dog, mostly because he is male i swear. He had his chance to get rid of him and blew it. He does not like my male kitten , Kiss much either. Jealousy? Idk.
I'm amazed that he lived at all after being run over by anything more than a bicycle!
I kicked Fluttershy out of the barn and she followed me around biting my toes and ankles.


I cleaned out the broody suite and gave clean shavings, clean water.


Makes me ALMOST want a duckling. Hmm wonder if Hawk would take 2 big eggs?

Uh oh....that could get me in trouble.

She would! And scovies don't need water like other ducks. :thumbsup
Thats what i was thinking trying to judge off the other one.
see the dark red of the big combed leggern? Hens "redden up" when they are close to laying. the EE is too pale . I dont know if its an age thing or molt but my guess would be molt. How long have you had them ?

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