Granny's gone and done it again

Had to have my daughter in law take me to the Drs office today. I was too close to passing out all day..still woozy. Thinking that my potassium is low again. Usually that's the problem. I saw a Nurse Family Practitioner today. Just a walk in. I knew whoever was on call would have my blood drawn to be tested. I'll get the results tomorrow. She suggested a nephrologist since I'm having electrolyte problems. I already have an appointment with my Dr. next week. She said she would go talk with him...the same clinic. Man I'm tired of this. Can't do anything! 😡
It gets old fast.
Hi Grammy. I have not been so well. The doctor still has not really figured out my problem. But at least my ear and sinus infections are doing better.
Excited to get back to my ceramics, and i have become a rockhound, so very excited about that.
. How have you been doing?
:hugsI'm so sorry to hear your not feeling well. I hope they can figure it out so you can get better. It's always nice to get back to our hobbies. What is a rockhound if you don't mind me asking?

I'm sorry to hear about your mom :hugs:hugs

I'm doing alright, I had rotator cuff surgery in September and PT takes forever, one injury you can't rush. As long as nothing else happens, I should be able to start going on my walks again. I'm so tired of just sitting around all day.
No, depends on how long it takes Mom to pass on. Ugh, what a situation.
Its terrible. It hurts. And I imagine you will be spending a little time with your brother. I am so sorry Cap.
I guess your DH will be feeding the critters while your gone. Maybe leave him a list.
Safe travels.

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